Your Next Steps After a Florida Medical Injury

In an uncertain and volatile world, the word “preparedness” is a term that is being used quite a bit. While some Florida residents may be preparing for another collapse of the financial market and others may be concerned about the seemingly-imminent commencement of World War III, few – if any – Florida residents have thought about how to prepare themselves and/or their families for the aftermath of a medical error or injury.
Medical malpractice can swiftly and suddenly devastate you and your family, causing you considerable pain and anguish, reducing you longevity, and requiring thousands of dollars in additional treatments in order to reverse or mitigate the harm caused by the negligent health practitioner. Moving forward from such an event is made easier if you are prepared and know what steps you must take.
Steps to Take Following a Medical Malpractice Incident
Injuries caused by medical malpractice can be difficult to detect and diagnose because it may be days, weeks, or even months after the injury has been inflicted before you realize you have been hurt. Taking the following steps can help begin the process of recovery for you and your family:
- Report any unusual feelings, sensations, or observations right away. If you recently went to the doctor, began taking a new medication, or underwent a procedure and you begin to feel or experience unusual effects, speak with your doctor right away. At the very least, you will want to begin creating a record that establishes the type of effects that you were experiencing and that you had sought out additional treatment for those effects. Do not be afraid to obtain a second opinion if you feel your primary care physician is not taking your reports seriously.
- Assemble your medical records for review. At this time, you may wish to submit your medical records from the most recent visit or procedure before you began noticing negative effects for review to another doctor or medical expert. If you have retained legal counsel, your attorney may know of experts or professionals who can perform this task for you. Such a review of your records can help you establish whether you may have a claim for medical malpractice.
- Speak with an attorney about your rights. Even though medical malpractice claims can be legally complex, you only have a limited amount of time within which to file a claim for compensation. By speaking with an attorney quickly, it is more likely that your claim can be timely filed (and, generally, will be more quickly resolved).
Contact The Nurse Attorney, P.A. Today
The Nurse Attorney, P.A. is the Sarasota and Bradenton medical malpractice law firm to which you should turn if you suspect you have been injured by a medical professional’s careless actions. Our firm has the knowledge and resources necessary to appropriately evaluate your medical records and provide you with the counsel and representation you need to begin your recovery. Contact our offices at either (941) 254-2501 or (941) 210-4220, or reach out to us online to discuss your case.